Steven P. Goodell, President 
Steven P. Goodell
Welcome to the NJILGA website. We use this medium to effectively communicate with our members as well as provide them (read more)


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J. Peter Jost, Executive Director 
Peter Jost
Dear Colleagues – It’s my honor to serve as Executive Director of the Institute of Local Government Attorneys. I am also privileged to act as NJILGA’s “Webmaster.” We are pleased to present our revised and updated website, which we hope will enhance your membership experience. In the meantime, if you need any assistance in accessing your membership information or benefits, please feel free to contact me at 908-735-8876 or Send us an Email
Member Forum
More Online Resources for Local Government Attorneys

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Local Government Law Review
The Local Government Law Review is a comprehensive review and analysis of legislative and court cases in NJ affecting municipal law. By joining NJILGA you too can have access to the information you need regarding New Jersey local government law and recent court cases
Fall 2024 Issue table of contents - PDF
Members - Full issue Fall 2024 Law Review
NJILGA Diplomate Certificate
Diplomate in Local Government Law is awarded by NJILGA. The Diplomate Program is a voluntary educational program that consists of six separate courses. The courses cover a broad area of municipal practice and are taught by attorneys or licensed professionals in their respective disciplines. The courses are...
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An Affiliate of
The New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys has been an affiliate organization of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities for many decades.
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NJILGA Seeks Volunteers For Amicus Cases
The New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys has been an affiliate organization of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities for many decades.
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More Online Resources for Local Government Attorneys
NJILGA Trustee Donald Scarinci and Scarinci Hollenbeck have created two valuable online resources: local government attorneys need these
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    Steven Goodell receives Stickel Award from NJILGA Past President, John Gillespie.

    The Fred G. Stickel Award has been presented to Steven P. Goodell of the firm of Parker McCay, PA. The Stickel Award is given in recognition of excellence in local government law, exemplary service to the legal profession and unselfish assistance rendered to local governments and other local government attorneys. It is the highest award given by the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys.

    Established by the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys (NJILGA), the Stickel Award is given in honor of Fred G. Stickel, III, who was a Past President of NJILGA and General Counsel to the New Jersey State League of Municipalities (NJLM). Stickel, who died Dec. 10, 1998, was one of New Jersey’s most outstanding local government attorneys. His distinguished service awards are too numerous to mention, including those from various governors and the New Jersey Senate and Assembly. He was secretary of the governor's commission to revise the municipal law in 1959 and served on various government municipal law commissions. He was school board attorney for Cedar Grove for 40 years and attorney for Cedar Grove for 15 years, Roseland for 20 years and Verona for five years. He also was special attorney for at least 60 other municipalities.

    Steven P. Goodell has been an attorney since 1984. He graduated from Bucknell University with a B.A. with honors in English (1980) and the University of Texas School of Law (1984), where he received the A.P. Jones Scholarship Award. In law school Mr. Goodell clerked for the Environmental Protection Division of the Texas Attorney General’s Office. Mr. Goodell began his legal career at the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office, where he was a trial team leader. Prior to joining his current firm, Parker McCay, P.A., he was a name partner in a small Princeton-based litigation firm.Mr. Goodell serves as township attorney for Hopewell Township (Mercer County) and Cranbury Township, board attorney for the Delaware Township zoning and planning boards; special counsel to the Diocese of Trenton, and general counsel to the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA). He also serves as associate counsel to the New Jersey State League of Municipalities and was recently elected as President of the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys.Steven Goodell was the 2019 recipient of the Adam Taliaferro Foundation Award in recognition of his fight to return to practice after a 2016 cycling accident. He was also recipient of the 2018 New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association Award of Honor. He is a frequent speaker on municipal and sports-law issues. Steven Goodell concentrates his practice in the areas of municipal and land use law, sports law, and litigation in all courts. He serves as a court-appointed special hearing officer for affordable housing cases, general counsel to the state high school athletic association, and represents municipalities and religious entities throughout New Jersey. He is a former Trustee and Chair of Isles Inc., and is a member of the Mercer County Bar Association, New Jersey State Bar Association and National Diocesan Attorneys Association.

    The Annual Business Meeting of the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys was held on Thursday, November 21, 2024, immediately following the conclusion of the Institute’s CLE Programs at the Convention Center in Atlantic City. Agenda items included the election of Officers and one half of NJILGA’s Trustees from all vicinages in New Jersey and other regular business. The following Officers were elected for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2025: Steven P. Goodell (President), Douglas A. Heinold (1st Vice President), Sharon A. Dragan (2nd Vice President), Michael J. Pasquale (Treasurer), and Jean Kephart Cipriani (Secretary). Trustees were elected for a two-year term from their respective vicinages: Karl Timbers (Atlantic/Cape May). Robert T. Regan (Bergen), Eileen Fahey (Burlington), Cosmas P. Diamantis (Camden), Victor Afanador (Essex), William L. Horner (Gloucester/Cumberland Salem), Steven W. Kleinman (Hudson), Elissa Grodd Schragger (Mercer), T.K. Shamy (Middlesex), Lani M. Lombardi (Monmouth) Ronald P. Mondello (Morris/Sussex), Matthew T. Priore (Passaic), Robin La Bue (Ocean), Richard W. Wenner (Somerset/Hunterdon/Warren), Samantha Castrelos (Union) and Dominick P. DiYanni and Jason Holt and Steven K. Warner (At-Large Trustees).Following the Annual Meeting, the Institute’s Social Event was held at Ceasar’s Tiberius Room. The agenda for the Social Event included the swearing in of newly elected Officers and Trustees, presentation of awards and enjoyment of the Institute’s famous lamb chops and other refreshments. The Institute thanks President-Elect Steven Goodell and his Committee for their efforts in providing a comprehensive offering of successful CLE programs and 1st Vice President-Elect Douglas Heinold’s efforts as Event Chair for the very enjoyable social event.

    Senior Trustee Bill Kearns prepares to swear in newly elected Officers. Rear (L-R) Immediate Past President, Michele Donato, 2nd Vice President-Elect, Sharon Dragan, Secretary-Elect, Jean Cipriani, 1st Vice President-Elect, Douglas Heinold, Treasurer-Elect, Mike Pasquale and Sr. Trustee, Bill Kearns, Front – President-Elect, Steven P. Goodell


    The New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys, in cooperation with the New Jersey State League of Municipalities, provided an extensive selection of CLE programs at the State League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City on November 20 & 21, 2024. The programs were well attended, with many having standing room only. A complete listing of the programs given, as well as the CLE credits available, is shown at the link below. All CLE programs were free to registrants of the League Conference. Attendees are reminded to log onto the League’s CEU tracking system to print out their certificates of attendance. Read More
  • Municipal Resolution of Support for NJILGA's Proposed Fair Housing Act Amendment

    Please click on the link below for a letter from Michele R. Donato, President NJILGA regarding Municipal Resolution of Support for NJILGA's Proposed Fair Housing Act Amendment.

    Please click on the link below to download the form of resolution mentioned in the above PDF (this is a MS Word document)

  • Impact of Proposed Amendment to Fair Housing Act - November 5th

    Dear Members,

    I am enclosing the letter regarding affordable housing obligations that attaches the comparison chart showing prospective affordable housing for municipalities using the State methodology compared to those in the legislation proposed by the Institute. This document is provided in one pdf. I apologize for any inconvenience.

    Michele R. Donato
    Read More

    The New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys (NJILGA) will provide a full slate of CLE programs at the New Jersey State League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City on November 20 & 21, 2024. All CLE programs are open to registrants of the League Conference. NJILGA members will also be participating in additional programs sponsored by the League and its other affiliates. Read More
  • NJILGA's Proposed Fair Housing Act Amendment - October 15th

    The purpose of this letter is to inform you of proposals to amend the Fair Housing Act. For the complete letter and amendment --> Read More
  • Successful Baseball Event

    NJILGA members and guests enjoyed a picnic and baseball game at the Somerset Patriots Park on June 19th between the Patriots and the Erie Sea Wolves. Although the Patriots were edged out by the Sea Wolves, 11-2, our group had a great time with hot dogs, hamburgers and great companionship on a lovely summer evening. NJILGA thanks committee chairs Bill Holzapfel, Ray Bolanowski and Peter Jost for organizing this fun social event. (see photos - click Read more) Read More

    NJILGA Trustee Jason Holt has succeeded in securing justice for his family forebearer, Pfc. Thomas C. Hawkins, and Hawkins’ fellow soldiers. Approximately 107 years ago, the largest military court martial and murder trial in the history of the United States took place in San Antonio, Texas. One hundred ten Buffalo Soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment were convicted of murder, mutiny, and other crimes. Nineteen Buffalo Soldiers were executed by hanging. The first thirteen, including Pfc. Hawkins, were hanged without appeal, in secrecy and buried at the site of the gallows without headstones. In November of 2023, the United States Army acknowledged that the convictions were a miscarriage of justice during the Jim Crow era of racial bigotry. All one hundred ten convictions were set aside and honorable discharges were granted to the soldiers. Jason Holt along with others worked many years to achieve this goal. Moreover, in an effort to further correct this historical wrong, the Department of Veterans Affairs last month dedicated new headstones for the soldiers, which now include their names, rank, and home state. This historic injustice remains the largest mass execution of American soldiers by the Army. Attached is a link to the CBS Sunday Morning Show which features more information about Jason Holt and his story. NJILGA commends Jason Holt for his dedicated efforts to seek justice and vindicate Pfc. Hawkins and his fellow Buffalo Soldiers. Click "Read more" to view video Read More
  • Scarinci Hollenbeck Seeks Municipal Attorney

    Click Read More and log in to the Member Home page for the Job Advertisement Read More
  • Passing of NJ League of Municipalities Bond Counsel Edward “Ed” McManimon

    The League mourns the passing of Edward “Ed” J. McManimon III, 77, who died February 2, at his home with his family after a long illness. A longtime friend and supporter of the League, he was a recipient of the New Jersey League of Municipalities’ Distinguished Public Service Award in 2022, a longtime Bond Counsel for the organization, as well as a frequent and valued speaker at events and author for NJ Municipalities magazine. Additionally, he was also a longtime member of the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys (NJILGA).

    His efforts for the League were just a small portion of his illustrious legal career. He recently retired from McManimon, Scotland & Baumann, LLC, where he devoted his professional time advising municipalities, counties, school districts and governmental authorities in connection with their capital financing and related governmental requirements. He analyzed, developed, and implemented financial plans for redevelopment areas throughout New Jersey, and in the privatization of public water, wastewater, and solid waste systems.

    He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Christina; their two children, Maura Fennessy (Conor) and Christopher; and grandchildren, Liam McManimon, and Seamus and Killeen Fennessy. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, 72 Escher Street, Trenton, NJ 08609 Read More
  • Rutgers / NJILGA Diplomate Programs Resume in October

    Rutgers / NJILGA Diplomate Programs Resume in October
    Share Strategies with NJ's Top Municipal Attorneys Registration is now open for the 100% online Diplomate in New Jersey Local Government Law Program. Classes begin October 5th.

    The program is a unique opportunity to swap and share strategies with experienced local government attorneys who specialize in local government law. It is presented in cooperation with the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys (NJILGA).

    As a Participant, You'll:

    - Have multiple opportunities to compare strategies with top Municipal Attorneys across NJ

    - Earn the Credential recognized by Governing Bodies & Municipal Boards

    - Further extend your expertise and resume with the Rutgers Diplomate

    - Earn CLEs (continuing learning education) and DCA (Department of Community Affairs) continuing education credits Read More
  • Latest Edition of NJILGA Law Review Now Available

    Latest Edition of NJILGA Law Review Now Available
    Managing Editor Joseph M. Wenzel announces that the Summer Edition of the NJILGA Law Review has been emailed to all members of the Institute. If you are a member and have not received your digital copy please contact Executive Director Peter Jost. The Institute expresses its sincere appreciation to Joe Wenzel and all of his contributing editors for their efforts in producing this outstanding quarterly publication.

    Michele Donato, President

    For the sample of the newsletter with table of contents, click Read More
  • Trouble Receiving NJILGA E-mails?

    Trouble Receiving NJILGA E-mails?
    Dear Colleagues – Some of our members have reported that they have not been receiving e-blasts from NJILGA, or have been finding our e-mails in their “Junk Email” folders. To facilitate receiving our e-mails, please add the following address to your “E-mail Contacts” list: This should eliminate the problem.

    J. Peter Jost
    Executive Director
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