Donald Scarinci
Scarinci Hollenbeck
Phone - 201-896-4100 
Email - 
Address - Brook Ave. | P.O. Box 790 | Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

scarinciOver the years, Mr. Scarinci has achieved a high level of recognition for his work with public entities throughout the entire state of New Jersey. He has worked with some of the largest New Jersey municipalities and counties, as well as numerous planning and zoning boards, economic development authorities, school boards, utility authorities, and other public sector entities at every level of municipal, county, regional and state government.

Mr. Scarinci served as counsel to the Democratic members of both the Congressional and Legislative Redistricting Commissions in New Jersey in 2001. Mr. Scarinci has been designated as a Diplomate in Municipal Law, is an Associate Counsel to the New Jersey League of Municipalities, a Trustee of the Institute of Local Government Attorneys, and was formerly Counsel to the New Jersey State Assembly.

Mr. Scarinci has lectured and written extensively on subjects such as campaign finance reform and municipal law. He is the author of “David Brearley and the Making of the United States Constitution,” a historical biography about David Brearley, signer of the Constitution from the State of New Jersey and the first Federal District Court Judge for the District of New Jersey (1789).His new book, “Redistricting and the Politics of Reform,” was published in 2010.