The New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys is seeking nominations for “The Fred G. Stickel Memorial Award”. This is an annual award that has been created by the NJILGA to honor a member of the New Jersey bar who has demonstrated excellence in the field of public sector law and has contributed time and effort to advance the interests of municipal law.
The award is named in honor of Fred G. Stickel, III who practiced municipal law for over 50 years and was counsel to the New Jersey State League of Municipalities for many years. As a prominent member of the public sector bar and a preeminent practitioner of municipal law, Fred donated countless hours to advance the orderly operation of local governments in this state.
Nominations for this award may be made on application forms that can be obtained from Edward J. Buzak, Esq., c/o The Buzak Law Group, LLC, Montville Office Park, 150 River Road, Suite N-4, Montville, New Jersey 07045. The award will be presented at the Institute’s annual social event at the New Jersey State League of Municipalities Convention in November. Deadline for receipt of nominations is October 11, 2019.